
An Observation

It has occurred to me that there is an impenetrable barrier of obstacles regarding comments on this blog.

I currently have this blog set up that the only people who may post on my blog are registered users who I have allowed to comment. I also have it set up so that I am the only person capable of creating accounts. However, I provide no method for another person to let me know that he or she would like to comment on my blog as most of my e-mail addresses are not for public consumption, and the few that are widely known receive nothing but spam. In theory, I could have an actual audience, but no one would be able to reply to me even if someone wanted to write to me.

Once I figure out a solution to this dilemma, then I will present you with a means of contacting me.

2 comments so far

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  1. […] a previous entry, I noted the impenetrable barrier between me and any readers who wanted to comment on my entries. […]

  2. […] have made a very small, but important change to this blog. Previously, I limited comments to those who already had accounts on this blog. I also made certain I was the […]

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