
Although I am a relatively young person, for the most part, I tend to shy away from social networking Web sites. Part of this is due to the fact that I am not an outgoing person by nature, but my main objection stems from the lack of control I feel regarding the information that is expected of me to disperse. I have no problem with sharing limited personal information that will spread across the Internet, but at the same time, I am not one to actively promote myself either. While many of those sites have legitimate uses, I am wary of them nonetheless.

However, a few days ago I read a wonderfully written post on LLLL.com from Reece Berg (edit: I can’t figure out why the link’s not working now). He linked to an article on Mashable concerning building a brand on Twitter. Had I not been dismissive of the gathering storm known as Twitter when I first heard of it, I could have gotten my beloved screen name, “rwebb” when it was available (Side Note: Rob Webb is doing quite fine with the service and screen name, even though I do not know the man personally). Now, rwebb.com will not have the matching Twitter screen name, and not only have I missed out a powerful branding tool, but coupled with my inactivity regarding rwebb.com, my chances of making my stamp with my screen name went from slim to next to none due to my own inaction.

In any event, I did grab webbready a few weeks ago for insurance purposes, even though I doubt anyone would have claimed that nickname anytime soon. Since I have no friends, no readers and do not advertise this blog, this was an exercise of futility.

So I’m on Twitter now. What’s next?

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